How A General Contractor Can Help You Navigate Your City Building Permit Process

A building permit is a document issued by a city that authorizes a particular building project’s construction, renovation, or remodeling. This document’s primary purpose is to ensure enhanced public safety by guaranteeing work safety and compliance with various local and zoning codes. Both the project owner and general contractor must work closely to complete this complicated process.

Every Canadian province has its own set of building code requirements. The Safety Codes Act in Alberta requires general contractors to get project authorization before constructing, controlling, selling, operating, supervising, or undertaking any process or activity. Constructing or renovating a building without a permit is unsafe and can lead to additional liabilities and project owner costs.

Why Should You Get A Building Permit?

Some top reasons why every project owner or contractor should get a permit before constructing a new building or remodeling an existing one include:

  • When your commercial property complies with your community’s codes, it helps protect and enhance your properties value
  • Getting a permit also enables you to decrease your process costs as property insurers won’t cover any damages caused by work done without inspections and permits
  • Obtaining inspections and licenses for building modification purposes makes selling your property easier later on
  • The permit allows your commercial contractor to eliminate the chances of unsafe construction, aiding in enhanced public safety and wellbeing
  • A permit makes your building construction or renovation a completely lawful activity, as work done without a license can lead to removal or other expensive remedies

Essential Steps To Navigate The City Building Permit Process

Whether you’re dealing with a small municipality or a big city, you need to follow some specific rules and regulations to achieve the authorization process.

Here, we will discuss some essential steps that will help you complete the permitting procedure effectively:

Understand Your Project

Take enough time to understand your buildings design or drawings. Whether it’s new construction, remodeling, or an alteration job being done, knowing the exact details about square feet and your individual building’s structural requirements are crucial for obtaining a permit.

Understand Your Cities Development Permit Process

Before visiting your concerned building department, visit their website and get to know all about them. Review their website carefully, like office location, working hours, forms to fill, documents, and plans to submit, FAQs, and more to fully understand their requirements.

Ensure Your Forms Are Filled In Completely

Before you go to the building department, you should ensure all the forms are filled in properly and all the required documentation is ready to submit. Depending on the type of project, you may require drawings stamped by a professional engineer and/or architect.

Review All Signatures

While preparing your building permit application, make sure you know all parties that need to sign these documents. Usually, it needs to be signed by two major parties; the project owner and the representative from the construction company who is submitting the application.

Need Help With Your City Building Permit Application?

BelVan Construction is a professional general contractor that provides its clients with premier commercial construction and renovation services, including permit application assistance across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and BC. Visit our website for more information or contact us for personalized service.


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