Office Construction Design Considerations For Enhanced Productivity

Most contractors and designers put a lot of time and thought into creating a perfect office space for their clients. From designing their ideal layout to adding the right kinds of lights and using the right material for noise control, there are many things to consider before the action plan can commence.

For most of us, a major portion of our days is spent at the office; in fact, the average person spends 90,000 hours or more at work over their lifetime. For this reason, contractors must construct an office that increases productivity and keeps employees happy, healthy, and satisfied.

Designing an office for productivity and purpose is crucial. Below are important construction points that the owners must keep in mind while having their office constructed or renovated.


Having a modern office space can profoundly affect your creativity, but if the design has made it impossible for the employees to work comfortably, then what’s the point. For example, none of us can spend 10 minutes trying to find a remote control that will open a filing cabinet.

This is why the functionality of the office space is essential. Unfortunately, when designing an office space, many owners instruct their designers and contractors to make the space look impressive and give little thought about whether the design will aid or hinder their employees’ work.

Workplace efficiency should always come before the aesthetics of the office. Even the simplest of things, such as uncluttered and wide hallways and walkways, enough desk space, and easy access to the kitchen or toilets, are crucial in creating a stress-free and efficient working environment.


Lighting is an important factor in offices. A well-lit office with access to natural light can significantly boost your employees’ productivity, decrease utility bills, make employees healthier, and more. In contrast, a dark office with little to no access to natural light can encourage desperation, lack of motivation, and unproductivity. For this reason, when constructing and renovating your office building, make sure you add plenty of wide windows and skylights to the design.

Some other ways you can add more natural light to your office include:

  • Opting for a light color palette
  • Installing large glass walls
  • Using full-spectrum natural light bulbs
  • Not covering windows with blinds and curtains
  • Hanging more mirrors opposite to existing windows

Natural light is a huge determining factor in the efficiency and wellbeing of the workplace environment. So, if you want an innovative, positive, and healthy office for your employees, natural light should be a key office design consideration.


When it comes to designing a comfortable working space, ergonomics must be taken into account. Ergonomics is an applied science that uses human psychology to design and engineer things that increase people’s efficiency and productivity in a work area. It also analyzes what could be altered or improved in the workplace environment to make it more efficient.

Without deploying this technique into their construction plan, employers can end up with an office space that is neither comfortable nor healthy for its employees. For example, from the office chair to the desk’s height to the space between the working stations and the office’s temperature, all such things and more should be considered when constructing a comfortable and efficient office.

While ergonomic office designs improve working conditions, they also boost your workers’ morale, who feel valued and cared for when their comfort and safety are prioritized. It is crucial that employees feel that their employers have their best interests at heart. Unfortunately, many companies give little importance to this subject and end up with an office space that results in their employees having long-term health problems and decreased work productivity.

These are some of the office design considerations that can enhance your workplaces productivity. To get in touch with Edmonton’s leading commercial general contractors to build you an effective and productive office space, click here.


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