Reasons Why the Design-Build Delivery Method Works

In Canada, design-build construction (or D-B) accounts for more than 40% of all non-residential projects. What was once considered an “alternative” way to complete a project is now gaining popularity in the region as a primary way of construction.

Contrary to the traditional design-bid-build method, D-B is a project delivery method in which a single entity, known as the design-builder or design-build contractor, handles the two services of designing and constructing a project under one contract. This type of method partners the right teams from the start and helps achieve a project goal on time while keeping the clients profoundly satisfied.

There are many benefits to this method of completing construction and remodeling projects. Here are the top reasons why the design-build delivery method makes a lot of sense to project owners;


The design-build approach is simple, ‘keep the team together, and there is nothing you can’t achieve’. The design-build approach focuses on the whole team instead of just one person. It ensures that the group of designers, contractors, and owners all are on the same page and are working towards a shared cause — completing a project successfully and exceeding the owner’s expectations. When teams encounter hurdles along the way (and there are always hurdles), pointing fingers and blaming one another is not an option. Instead, everyone needs to put their heads together and work on a solution.

The design-build method of delivering a project works because it’s based on brainstorming, fellowship, support, mutual respect, and shared leadership.

Total Accountability

One team and the design-builder, is responsible for the whole project, including the results, budgeting, timeframes, etc. When the same team designs and builds the project, much more attention is given to the design phases cost and timeline. The prices of all stages of the project are taken into account at the beginning of the process; all payments, building costs, liaison expenses, landscaping allowances, and all other costs are considered.

Total accountability and a single point of responsibility make the project much more effective and efficient.

Faster Project Delivery

More often than not, owners choose the design-build method to save on time. Design and construction involve handling multiple timelines that need to be coordinated effectively. The design-build approach generates opportunities for owners to examine major choices and consider their options before making a decision. And even if a change is required, the team’s adaptiveness and responsiveness in the field helps the project from taking steps backward. This leads to better, faster, and more cost-effective outcomes.

Design-build projects are completed on average 12% faster than other construction methods.

Cost Reduction

As described above, cost-effectiveness is one of the significant aspects of this method. For example, in the design-bid-build process, it is not uncommon to hear about situations where the project cost came out to be twice as much as the designer said it would be. Such a case is utterly unacceptable in the design-build environment as the whole project is being carefully monitored by the same people who are designing and building it. This greatly reduces the project cost. In fact, according to research, the design-build method can save up to 6% of the project cost compared to traditional construction methods.


Design-build firms specialize in both fields of designing and constructing. They have professional experience in construction and architectural fields and understand the pricing, sequencing, and how construction projects come together. They significantly reduce the cost of the project and complete it faster than other traditional methods. Expert design-build firms, like BelVan Construction, are knowledgeable in commercial construction and have influential and lasting connections with reliable design professionals, suppliers and subcontractors.

To learn more about the design-build method, visit our website, or contact us today at 1 587-524-5199.


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