
Factors That Have To Be Considered When Building A Medical Facility

January 6, 2022

Factors That Have To Be Considered When Building A Medical Facility

If you look around you, you will notice that many new medical facilities are either being built or being planned. Medical building construction is growing at a fast pace and it is important for commercial contractors to keep up with the trends and unique challenges that may happen during construction.

Compared to other commercial construction projects, medical building construction is different in the sense that there are many licenses and regulations involved. Since they are specialty buildings, contractors have to take extra care while designing the structure and fulfilling the client’s requirements.

If you are looking to build a medical facility, there are many factors that you should consider. From selecting the land for construction to designing and constructing the structure, there are many details that need to be taken care of. In this blog, we have listed some of the important factors that you should consider if you are planning to build a medical facility.

Built For Specialty

Over the years, the way medical facilities have been built has changed drastically. The way healthcare is delivered has a huge impact on how the facilities are built. Advancements in medical technology and its effect on cost containment have led healthcare organizations to re-engineer the way they do business.

One example of such re-engineering is the outpatient trend. Hospital inpatient use is declining, new and different types of facilities like outpatient surgery centers and ambulatory care centers are on the rise.

Depending on the type of use of the building, each medical facility has to be built according to certain requirements. A walk-in urgent care has a completely different structure as compared to an assisted living facility.

Hence, depending on the type of facility you are building, the structure and design of the area should be designed according to the special requirements.

Medical Building Regulatory Standards

Depending on the province where you would like to build the medical facility, you will have to comply with some medical building regulatory standards. Each province has a set of established regulations and standards that apply to medical healthcare buildings.

During the construction process, contractors must follow these regulatory and technical requirements. These regulations mostly pertain to the building’s design and construction.

Moreover, healthcare facilities nowadays are also incorporating resiliency planning into their overall design strategy. If you are planning to build something similar, make sure the commercial contractor you choose has knowledge of resilient design.

Patient Safety

Studies show that medical building construction has a direct impact on patient safety which is why every medical facility should be critically and strategically designed with patient safety in mind.

An improperly designed medical facility can lead to human error and other safety problems due to design flaws. Depending on the type of medical facility being built, certain features such as fixed and moveable components should be added.

Movement Through The Care Cycle

The way patients move through the care cycle is another aspect that has to be considered during the design phase. A poorly designed waiting area with no clear flow or line to the check-in desk is a prime example of this mistake. In addition to this, confusing walkways and intersections is another issue that inhibits productivity and can cause patients to get lost. Some of these mistakes can also result in injuries, especially for the elderly.


A medical facility should be designed to make things easier for the patient and to make them feel at peace. Improperly designed medical facilities are chaotic and cannot cater to the requirements of the patients as well as the staff.

Hence, if you are planning to build a medical facility, it is best to hire a contractor who has had experience in medical facility construction. They will help you with the design phase and will have an idea regarding the regulations and standards that apply to medical healthcare buildings.

About Us

BelVan construction is a premium construction company in Alberta, Saskatchewan, & BC. We are qualified commercial general contractors based in Edmonton. We have offered various business experts general contracting, project design-build, pre-construction consulting, and construction management services since 2011.

Right from the start, our primary focus has been on providing our customers with premium yet affordable construction and renovation services in a respectful, responsible, and reliable manner. In each of our retail construction and renovation projects, our goal has been to make the clients’ needs our top priority with a commitment to providing excellent all-around service.

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